The progression of CAD & GIS to build a BIM has been a natural process for many years but by different names. Data management remains a key issue of course, but is this just more sophisticated software or a maturing of an industry that might use BIM or DT? Or is […]
Daily Archives: July 6, 2021
Recently we completed a GIS Strategy for the Qld Dept of State Development, Tourism and Innovation. A key recommendation for the Future State was to build a corporate database as the first stage of an enterprise GIS environment. This required a corporate spatial data model / dictionary and metadata regime […]
I recently attended a webinar where a speaker said that it was great that they had a senior manager as an “internal champion” so that their spatial project could get approved and funded. Do people still think that way? In my experience, an “internal champion” often has a negative impact, […]
Recently a software vendor asked us to review their product. While we do these types of projects from time to time, this was interesting because it was a business solution based on spatial, not a GIS developing a business application. Big difference. So, we reviewed their software, their forward development path, the […]