Steal and You’ll be Punished, except when it’s IP and industry Associations” is a true case study is about malfeasance in a major Australian industry Association, involving the theft of IP and the subsequent cover-up by the Association President and Board. This book calls out the lack of accountability and mismanagement by office holders in industry associations.
Author: Bruce Douglas, Director, Corporate GIS
Reader Reviews:
“An interesting read and a cautionary tale of IP, conflict of interest, professionalism and ethics in an industry where information and knowledge is pivotal to its success. As a past Director and President of like-minded Industry Associations I feel a better outcome may have been reached for all those concerned if there was adherence to due process and timeliness by the Association in question.” Antoine Burdett, Past President GITA ANZ, Past Director SIBA | GITA
“This is a truly fascinating story and is a must read for any Professionals, Managers and Associations across all industries. The book explains through definition the meaning behind Professionalism, IP, Conflict of Interest and supporting attributes backed up by several case studies. The book is underpinned by the true story of Gary and Bill and the issues faced when Bill’s IP was misused and what happens when the supporting Association gets involved. You be the judge. Where do you sit with IP? What would you do?” Sandy Muir, Civil Engineer, Owner, Odysseus-imc Pty Ltd
“The story in this book is something I see and hear too often having worked in the Spatial and IT industries for over two decades. Associations and people are focused on feathering their own nests and scratching each other’s backs. I hope this book encourages GIS professionals to call out poor practice when they see it.” Spatial Consultant, Canberra Australia

Achieving Business Success with GIS
Written at a practical level, suited to the business audience, this exceptional book explores the business environment of making GIS successful.
Author: Bruce Douglas. Director, Corporate GIS

Trust Me – I’m an IT Consultant
“Trust Me – I’m an IT Consultant” is a cynical and jocular book focused on business managers who should know more about Information Technology (IT) consulting practices that habitually are burdened upon government and private companies.
Author: Bruce Douglas, Director, Corporate GIS

GIS / AM Survey 2018 – Summary Report ($30)
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