GIS/Spatial Information Management: 0418 780 322

How good is your GIS Product?

There are lots of GIS and mobile products on the market.  How well do you know the “fit” of your product in the market?

Recently I did an independent Product Review of the Konect mobile GIS software for Global GBM.  This involved undertaking a review of the mobile GIS market in order to understand competitive products in both the GIS market and the non-GIS mobile app market, road-testing Konect Manager and the Konect App and developing a short article for publication.

The Product Review found that “Konect is a fully-functional mobile GIS, performing in a sophisticated, credible and workmanlike manner, unfettered by network connectivity or being tied to a larger and more expensive GIS suite.”

How good is your GIS product? Does it meet the needs of your market?  A discussion about how we can help you is available by contacting me directly on LinkedIn or going to my Website.