The following Top Tender Tips are from the “other side” as a consultant representing the customer who is seeking tender responses. These comments are based on Corporate GIS writing and managing a large number of tenders over the last couple of decades ranging from $50K to $15m for government agencies, […]
The progression of CAD & GIS to build a BIM has been a natural process for many years but by different names. Data management remains a key issue of course, but is this just more sophisticated software or a maturing of an industry that might use BIM or DT? Or is […]
Recently we completed a GIS Strategy for the Qld Dept of State Development, Tourism and Innovation. A key recommendation for the Future State was to build a corporate database as the first stage of an enterprise GIS environment. This required a corporate spatial data model / dictionary and metadata regime […]
I recently attended a webinar where a speaker said that it was great that they had a senior manager as an “internal champion” so that their spatial project could get approved and funded. Do people still think that way? In my experience, an “internal champion” often has a negative impact, […]
Recently a software vendor asked us to review their product. While we do these types of projects from time to time, this was interesting because it was a business solution based on spatial, not a GIS developing a business application. Big difference. So, we reviewed their software, their forward development path, the […]
Over the last 20 years, there has been a recurring debate about the need to “certify” or “regulate” people who do GIS, most recently a survey at The argument is that because surveying is a heavily regulated industry and Surveyors must have a degree and be Licensed/Registered, and because […]
This is an extract from “Steal and You’ll be Punished, except when it’s IP and Industry Associations”, (downloadable from, as an example of bad behaviour of some industry participants by describing what should NOT be done in the discussion of professionalism and ethics. This extract is a true recent […]
That’s an interesting question. I do a lot of GIS Reviews, Strategies, Health Checks, etc for Councils in Australian eastern states. Overall, I have found that while a few Councils are doing really well with GIS, most are just doing OK and some are in real difficulty. So, what are […]
I received a Request for Quote last week from a Victorian Local Government. The RFQ included a report by a competitor of a similar project done last year. The RFQ website showed reports from the same competitor for the last 5 years. Had the competitor already won the job and […]
(This blog is an extract from LinkedIn posts made in August and September 2020 and will be updated as posts are continued). What if the President of a major Australian industry Association asked for your Intellectual Property (reports) for Association business and in good faith you provide your IP. […]